Sunday, October 19, 2008

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Storing Yarn

Cats getting to your yarn? Cut the top off of an old two liter cola bottle (be sure to wash and dry well first). Slip the skein of yarn into the bottom of the bottle and thread the yarn through the neck of the bottle. Once done, tape the bottle back together and pull out the yarn as needed. Cheap, easy protection!

Sharpen and Cleaning Scissors

To sharpen scissors cheaply, get a glass bottle. Insert the cutting edge of the scissors into the neck of the bottle. Open and close the scissors like you're cutting with them. This will sharpen them!

Also, to clean scissors just grab a bottle of fingernail polish remover. Works wonders!

Home-made Modeling Clay

Here is a simple, cheap recipe for modeling clay. Your kids can have hours of fun with this.

2-1/2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 cup water

Mix all the ingredients together and store inside the fridge in an airtight container when not using.

Check Flea Markets/Yard Sales

Some great, low-priced arts and crafts materials can be found at flea markets and garage sales. Look around and keep an eye out for old painting supplies, sewing supplies, or whatever interests you. My daughter was interested in sewing and we found a near mint-condition sewing machine at a garage sale we picked up for ten dollars! Just keep your eyes open and check well.

Recycle Household Products into Art

Look around at all the things you throw away that can be converted to some cheap art projects. Make some bunnies using the old egg cartons plus pipe cleaners. Use some old toilet paper rolls and convent them into musical instruments using tape and some dried beans! Be creative and you'd be amazed at the stuff your kids can convert to art that would otherwise just be thrown away.

For some other great arts and crafts ideas, check here

Unleash their Creativity: Add Chalk and Pavement!

Chalk is cheap. Very cheap. Don't believe me, price some next time you're out shopping. A great, fun way to have your kids unleash their creativity is to give them some chalk and let them draw on the pavement. Don't worry about this, it will wash off in the next rain. You can pick up some jumbo chalk that is especially made for this purpose from almost any major store.

Fun with Crayons

Ah, crayons. You can buy these for very little especially in these back to school sales. But what can you do that is different?

Try some crayon etchings. Scribble a black crayon all over a sheet of paper then scrape the wax off to create scary pictures! This is great for spooky times such as Halloween.

Have the kids cover the paper in a bunch of different colors. Take this multi-colored rainbow and then cover this all with black crayon. Do the same as above and scratch out some pictures. This will have a rainbow effect you have to see to appreciate!

For coloring and arts and crafts ideas check here.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Arts and Crafts Basics

There are tons of things you and your kids can do to practice your budding artistic talents. If you're not sure of some things to do I'll list some in a bit but for now you can check out our store are do a little online research. Either way will net you a ton of ideas. If you're still having trouble you can try here.

A few basic things for the thrifty arts and crafter. Remember, you don't have to spend a lot of money to make art. You can use natural materials and very cheap art supplies. Be careful when you buy "art supplies" as they are usually ridiculously overpriced. Look around for cheap alternatives.

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